
Step-by-step instructions for performing operations with Kubernetes.

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Use Calico for NetworkPolicy

This page shows how to use Calico for NetworkPolicy.

Before you begin

Deploying a cluster using Calico

You can deploy a cluster using Calico for network policy in the default GCE deployment using the following set of commands:

curl -sS https://get.k8s.io | bash

See the Calico documentation for more options to deploy Calico with Kubernetes.

Understanding Calico components

Deploying a cluster with Calico adds Pods that support Kubernetes NetworkPolicy. These Pods run in the kube-system Namespace.

To see this list of Pods run:

kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system

You’ll see a list of Pods similar to this:

NAME                                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
calico-node-kubernetes-minion-group-jck6             1/1       Running   0          46m
calico-node-kubernetes-minion-group-k9jy             1/1       Running   0          46m
calico-node-kubernetes-minion-group-szgr             1/1       Running   0          46m
calico-policy-controller-65rw1                       1/1       Running   0          46m

There are two main components to be aware of:

What’s next

Once your cluster is running, you can follow the NetworkPolicy getting started guide to try out Kubernetes NetworkPolicy.


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