Kubernetes User Case Studies

A collection of users running Kubernetes in production.

"In terms of the cloud, Kubernetes and Prometheus have so much to offer."

Read about Pear Deck

"It’s amazing that we can use the Kubernetes solution off the shelf with our team. And it just keeps getting better."

Read about Buffer

"What you get by adopting CoreOS/Kubernetes is portability, to not be locked in to anyone. You can really make your own fate."

Read about Wink

"Kubernetes saved our time tremendously; it’s an enabler. It really is incredible."

Read about Ancestry.com

"Kubernetes has the opportunity to be the new cloud platform. The amount of innovation that's going to come from being able to standardize on Kubernetes as a platform is incredibly exciting - more exciting than anything I've seen in the last 10 years of working on the cloud."

Kubernetes Users

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